Sep , 2002


撰文/ 黃懷德

這幾年,百貨商場種類實在難以明確的切割定位,從傳統日式百貨。主題商場到所謂SHOPPING MALL,經營模式及空間交錯設定,甚至和不同類別的業種作某種程度的結合。尤其在國外,商場和飯店。商務旅館、遊樂園,甚至辦公大樓的雙向.多向經營,最典型的當然是結合電影院, 從建築體到室內的從新檢討,從規劃設定到實際經營操作,這些現象及被檢討,充分顯示出現代社會多元的商業需求及經營者長期歸納分析出的消費型態及走向。






撰文/ 黃懷德

這幾年,百貨商場種類實在難以明確的切割定位,從傳統日式百貨。主題商場到所謂SHOPPING MALL,經營模式及空間交錯設定,甚至和不同類別的業種作某種程度的結合。尤其在國外,商場和飯店。商務旅館、遊樂園,甚至辦公大樓的雙向.多向經營,最典型的當然是結合電影院, 從建築體到室內的從新檢討,從規劃設定到實際經營操作,這些現象及被檢討,充分顯示出現代社會多元的商業需求及經營者長期歸納分析出的消費型態及走向。





The bliss of the modern consumer

By Roy Huang

Due to different management modes, the interlacing design of space or certain degree of integration with other industries, the division between department stores, traditional Japanese-style department stores, thematic supermarkets to the so-called “shopping malls” has become blurred in recent years.  Malls, hotels, business hotels, amusement parks and even office buildings in other countries often adopted diversified management strategies, and typically integrate cinemas.  The fact that the architecture, interior design, planning and actual operations have been reviewed indicates the need for a diversified economy in modern society and shown the consumer type and trend by long-term analysis of managers.

Accommodating the original architecture, business area and space,
as well as the fixed operation modes,
over the long-term imposes burdens of different kinds that form a kind of Gordian knot.

The development and reform of the traditional department store industry is obvious in Taiwan. As far as the location is concerned, we can see the actual change from rural locations to suburban areas; in terms of interior design, traditional designs have become rare and are replaced by thematic designs that aim at quality and youthful designs to improve the spatial quality and further enhance the level of consumption by various groups. However, as far as the management is concerned, most are still limited by boutique-style management practices. After all, direct and practical functions still remain the basis of business operations. Transformation is difficult for any business. It is particularly challenging for those with a long history of operation. In addition to accommodating to the original architecture, business area and space, as well as fixed operational modes, the long-term burdens of different kinds form a Gordian knot that they have to untie.

Consumers are both the beginning and end of the whole process. We can instantly enjoy the atmosphere established by the long-term devotion of numerous people; we are also happy to see a more diversified type of department stores in the future.  From a certain perspective, this is the bliss of modern consumers.

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