Oct , 2003


撰文/ 黃懷德

大概以時下室內裝修寵兒極簡風(minimal style)為最。

在極簡風格的影響下,以fancy為人所稱道的VERSACE,除了仿古的巴洛克風格(baroque style)之外,增添了現代極簡元素納入其內,不同於ARMANI CASA跨足家具界,痛恨以「簡單」、「極簡」形容他的家具,ARMANI本人以「美麗優雅不是被注意,而是被記住」來反駁一切關於「簡單」、「極簡」等的評論,異曲同工的是,還是不免和古典風格搭上一點邊,一登陸台北,就出現驚人銷售業績,其中一張仿中國明式的現代單椅,就是個例子,頗無奈的是,中國的建築亦或是傢俱,其中獨有的精神及工法,竟得靠國外名牌來哄抬,國內的大師級設計師卻只是一昧的吃老外的屁,拉老外的屎,究竟原因是甚麼?是始終沒有出現願意點中國菜的消費者?或是扁政府的排中及本土化政策奏效所致?



撰文/ 黃懷德

大概以時下室內裝修寵兒極簡風(minimal style)為最。

在極簡風格的影響下,以fancy為人所稱道的VERSACE,除了仿古的巴洛克風格(baroque style)之外,增添了現代極簡元素納入其內,不同於ARMANI CASA跨足家具界,痛恨以「簡單」、「極簡」形容他的家具,ARMANI本人以「美麗優雅不是被注意,而是被記住」來反駁一切關於「簡單」、「極簡」等的評論,異曲同工的是,還是不免和古典風格搭上一點邊,一登陸台北,就出現驚人銷售業績,其中一張仿中國明式的現代單椅,就是個例子,頗無奈的是,中國的建築亦或是傢俱,其中獨有的精神及工法,竟得靠國外名牌來哄抬,國內的大師級設計師卻只是一昧的吃老外的屁,拉老外的屎,究竟原因是甚麼?是始終沒有出現願意點中國菜的消費者?或是扁政府的排中及本土化政策奏效所致?


Western-style Chinese food

By Roy Huang

What style is the costumers’ favorite?
In the fashion industry, the colors lasting longest are black, gray and white.
As for domestic design, thanks to fashion, the style lasting longest is the minimal style which has probably become modern interior designer’s favorite.

Under the influence of minimal style, Versace is regarded as full of fancy: besides its baroque style, a modern minimal element is added. Differently, dominating the furniture industry, Armani Casa hates ‘simple’ and ‘minimal’ elements and never adopts these. Armani uses the principle ‘beauty and elegance are not paid attention, but just remembered’ to oppose all praise for ‘simple’ and ‘minimal’ styles. Armani Casa puts out some element of classical style. After arriving in Taipei, it has reached an amazing selling achievement. Among all the furniture, modern single chairs imitating Chinese Ming-style are a typical example. However, the unique spirit and skills of Chinese-style architecture or furniture needs a foreign brand to promote it. Designers at home are always keen on foreign products. What on earth is the reason? Is that because customers never appear to be willing to order Chinese food? Or does the situation result from the policy of our ruling government’s deliberate discrimination against China and nationalization?

The minimal style is declining now. This is an unarguable fact. Gradually, the market will go back the original look. Maybe people feel bored; maybe people lose the sense of satisfaction. They start tasting Western-style Chinese food which is accompanied with different seasonings and other novelties. The main point is that the food needs to rely on chefs’ cooking skills and sense. If something is wrongly added, the food will easily become hogwash. It is not right that anyone swallow these recycled stuffs.

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